Hn logo b27d592a5404edfc30e7e690c392e25ecbe6cb5e6b2f68e674a2a610353d9390

The H&N sales division is a newly created entity in 2015 to Distribute H&N Nick Chick in the US.

In almost 25 years Centurion build up a market share of close to 25% for the replacement egg layer chicks in the US. Due to a string of events, the Company made a decision to change supplier of Genetics in the beginning of 2015.

Thanks to foresight of the Eric Wesjohan Group (EWG), owners of the H&N Brand, Centurion was appointed as its US Distributor in 2015. The sales of H&N White Nick chicks have gone up exponentially since. The vast majority of our long time customers have made the choice to follow us in this move. We are truly humbled by the trust our customers have given us and we shall not disappoint them!

For more information about NickChick:
unicorn -c unicorn-ugarxsi.conf -E production